Your Small Guide To Security and Data Encryption For Cloud

Encrypted Data

In 2016, 68 million accounts of Dropbox users were compromised. The attacker took advantage of a poorly kept employee password to gain access to emails and passwords from exposed accounts that were created in 2012 and earlier.  The data was available on the dark web for sale until it was picked up by several tech […]

How Cloud Analytics Works And Its Benefits

How Cloud Analytics Works And Its Benefits

Cloud computing, along with Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Natural Language Processing (NLP), are redefining the way we interact with analytics platforms. What implications does this have for businesses, and how can you benefit? Did you know? According to Impact Networking, 46% of enterprises identified and created new products and revenue streams by […]

The DevOps Approach To IoT

The DevOps Approach To IoT

DevOps and IoT are among the most popular technologies that have taken the world by storm. Naturally, you would ask: what is the connection between the two, and why are they important for my business? Let’s begin with the definitions. DevOps merges ‘development’ and ‘operations’ while IoT refers to the ‘Internet of Things’. DevOps focuses […]

Is Cloud Computing The Secret To Rapid SMB Growth?

Small and medium businesses (SMBs) make an important contribution to a country’s economy. They provide job opportunities and encourage other companies to target innovation and growth. Today, it is common to find multi-billion dollar enterprises that had humble beginnings.  The business landscape is becoming increasingly competitive in a world of technology-driven systems. Going digital is […]

DevOps Business Value & Benefits

DevOps Business Value & Benefits

In a world of technology-driven systems, the customer experience is king. Everyone wants businesses to deliver quick and reliable products that show results. Companies must consistently meet customer expectations if they are to unlock valuable possibilities and opportunities.  After reading the above, you are probably asking ‘how can I do this?’  The answer is DevOps.  […]