Everything You Need To Know About Serverless Computing In 2021

In 2021, the serverless paradigm shift presents exciting opportunities to organizations by providing a simplified programming model for creating cloud applications, and by abstracting away most operational concerns. Major cloud vendors such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are already in the game with their respective offerings and there is no reason you shouldn’t board the […]

What Digital Transformation Means For Your Business

What Digital Transformation Means For Your Business

Businesses put themselves on the path to success when they implement digital transformation solutions and best practices. ‘Digital transformation meaning’ is a common question on the Internet because many people do not know what it is and why it matters. Let’s see its relevance for your business. You remain in your comfort zone if you […]

How AI And Automation Define The Future Of Work

How AI And Automation Define The Future Of Work

In a world where technology-driven systems are on the rise, the key to success is winning the race to digital transformation. Many companies are investing in automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to work smarter, improve efficiency, productivity, service delivery, and the quality of business results. Today, AI is more than just a long-term source of […]

3 Things You Need To Know Before Going Cloud-Native

A world of the cloud

So you’re considering cloud-native adoption? Identifying your goals and objectives in this journey is crucial, or else you might risk throwing your resources away. It’s true to say that the last decade has been dominated by cloud computing. With a plethora of services and tools that keep rising in number every year, deploying data and […]

The DevOps Approach To IoT

The DevOps Approach To IoT

DevOps and IoT are among the most popular technologies that have taken the world by storm. Naturally, you would ask: what is the connection between the two, and why are they important for my business? Let’s begin with the definitions. DevOps merges ‘development’ and ‘operations’ while IoT refers to the ‘Internet of Things’. DevOps focuses […]