3 Things You Need To Know Before Going Cloud-Native

A world of the cloud

So you’re considering cloud-native adoption? Identifying your goals and objectives in this journey is crucial, or else you might risk throwing your resources away. It’s true to say that the last decade has been dominated by cloud computing. With a plethora of services and tools that keep rising in number every year, deploying data and […]

The DevOps Approach To IoT

The DevOps Approach To IoT

DevOps and IoT are among the most popular technologies that have taken the world by storm. Naturally, you would ask: what is the connection between the two, and why are they important for my business? Let’s begin with the definitions. DevOps merges ‘development’ and ‘operations’ while IoT refers to the ‘Internet of Things’. DevOps focuses […]

Grow Your Revenue With Cloud And DevOps

Grow Your Revenue With Cloud And DevOps

There is an ever-growing need to implement DevOps, cloud computing, and agile practices, but making it all work for the enterprise is the real challenge. How and where do you begin? Opting for DevOps and cloud computing to achieve digital transformation (DX) pays off in terms of greater business performance and quality outcomes. Top DevOps […]

Why Your Business Should Go Serverless For DevOps

Why Your Business Should Go Serverless For DevOps

DevOps has become a crucial part of software engineering as companies increasingly spend on cloud computing, microservices, and containers. High competition and customer expectations account for the rise of serverless computing, a major development in cloud-based and microservice architecture. Businesses all around the world are interested in innovative practices that improve application performance as well […]

DevOps Business Value & Benefits

DevOps Business Value & Benefits

In a world of technology-driven systems, the customer experience is king. Everyone wants businesses to deliver quick and reliable products that show results. Companies must consistently meet customer expectations if they are to unlock valuable possibilities and opportunities.  After reading the above, you are probably asking ‘how can I do this?’  The answer is DevOps.  […]